North Church Weekly Wrap Up - May 17th - May 23rd
We are beginning to re-gather in person tomorrow!!
If you would like to join us for service at 9am we are asking two things of you.
1. Please understand and comply with these initial guidelines that we have put in place to safely gather. (
2. Please RSVP for service so we can be prepared for you. (
If you don't feel comfortable gathering yet, that is totally understandable and ok. We will continue to provide online church on the same platforms for the foreseeable future.
Online Platforms*
North Church YouTube Channel
The resources for holding Ninos (Kids Ministry) in your home for your children are HERE. Pastor Jay and Jess have published a great resource for keeping your kiddos engaged while church services are going on. You can access it HERE.
*Some elders will be available to chat and to pray for you at the platform.
Weekly Wrap Up
Last Sunday's Service - Micah 7:1-7 (God's Desire) - Pastor Greg Bump
Nino’s Resources
All Church Communication
In-Person Services Re-Gathering Guidelines
North Church Update Week 10 (May 18th-24th)
North Church Weekly Wrap Up (May 10th-May 16th)
Prayer Meetings
Daily on Zoom -
Password: Jesus
Local Businesses Associated with North Church
In an effort to support local businesses associated with the church (Gal 6:10), we are gathering information so you might be able to support them during this time. Please add local business information you are connected with either through family relations, friendships, etc. to the list and, if you are able, please consider supporting these establishments.
Local Business List
Daily Devotionals
May 18 - Gather and Hear
May 20 - Quick and Slow
May 22 - Impossible and Possible
Family Worship Resources
Family Devotions Blog Post with Resources
Ninos @ North Church Facebook Page
Family Resource - Keeping Children Engaged During Home Church
New City Catechism
Ways to Stay Connected
Email -
Community Service
This Tuesday (5/19) we were able to provide some non-perishable food and other essential items to the Navajo Nation relief effort organized by Desert Springs Church. We will be doing this effort weekly on Tuesdays.
We are beginning to re-gather in person tomorrow!!
If you would like to join us for service at 9am we are asking two things of you.
1. Please understand and comply with these initial guidelines that we have put in place to safely gather. (
2. Please RSVP for service so we can be prepared for you. (
If you don't feel comfortable gathering yet, that is totally understandable and ok. We will continue to provide online church on the same platforms for the foreseeable future.
Online Platforms*
North Church YouTube Channel
The resources for holding Ninos (Kids Ministry) in your home for your children are HERE. Pastor Jay and Jess have published a great resource for keeping your kiddos engaged while church services are going on. You can access it HERE.
*Some elders will be available to chat and to pray for you at the platform.
Weekly Wrap Up
Last Sunday's Service - Micah 7:1-7 (God's Desire) - Pastor Greg Bump
Nino’s Resources
All Church Communication
In-Person Services Re-Gathering Guidelines
North Church Update Week 10 (May 18th-24th)
North Church Weekly Wrap Up (May 10th-May 16th)
Prayer Meetings
Daily on Zoom -
Password: Jesus
Day | Pastor | Time |
Monday | Greg | 12:00 pm |
Tuesday | Nathan | 7:00 am |
Wednesday | Bob | 7:00 pm |
Thursday | Jay | 12:00 pm |
Friday | Ryan | 10:00 am |
Saturday | Kenyon | 1:00 pm |
Local Businesses Associated with North Church
In an effort to support local businesses associated with the church (Gal 6:10), we are gathering information so you might be able to support them during this time. Please add local business information you are connected with either through family relations, friendships, etc. to the list and, if you are able, please consider supporting these establishments.
Local Business List
Daily Devotionals
May 18 - Gather and Hear
May 20 - Quick and Slow
May 22 - Impossible and Possible
Family Devotions Blog Post with Resources
Ninos @ North Church Facebook Page
Family Resource - Keeping Children Engaged During Home Church
New City Catechism
Ways to Stay Connected
Email -
Community Service
This Tuesday (5/19) we were able to provide some non-perishable food and other essential items to the Navajo Nation relief effort organized by Desert Springs Church. We will be doing this effort weekly on Tuesdays.

If you would like to donate non-perishable food or essential items to the effort please contact Pastor Greg Bump ( to organize a drop off time. Donations are sent up to Navajo Nation on Tuesdays.
Finally, please understand that if right now our regathering restrictions feel too stringent or too lenient that they will be reviewed weekly in light of changing realities with the virus situation in our community. There are many lengths we are taking to honor God and love one another in our gatherings.
Please be gracious to one another and towards the elders as we seek the Lord for wisdom as we navigate this time.
I pray for you daily.
In Christ,
Pastor Ryan
Finally, please understand that if right now our regathering restrictions feel too stringent or too lenient that they will be reviewed weekly in light of changing realities with the virus situation in our community. There are many lengths we are taking to honor God and love one another in our gatherings.
Please be gracious to one another and towards the elders as we seek the Lord for wisdom as we navigate this time.
I pray for you daily.
In Christ,
Pastor Ryan
Coronavirus – Plans and PrecautionsOnline Services March 15thLife at North Church During COVID RestrictionsDevotional Day 1 - Love GodDevotional Day 2 - Love NeighborFamily DevotionsDevotional Day 3 - Love One AnotherDevotional Day 4 - Love Your ChurchNorth Church Weekly Wrap Up - March 15th-21stNorth Church Update - Week 2 (March 23-29)Devotion - Monday, March 23 - Keep the Lord Near to You AlwaysDevotion - Tuesday, March 24 - Comfort in All Our AfflictionsDevotion - Wednesday, March 25 - Long Days and The Peaceful Fruit of RighteousnessDevotion - Thursday, March 26 - The Only Truth That Sets You FreeDevotion - Friday, March 27 - What is Eternal Life?North Church Weekly Wrap Up - March 22nd-28thNorth Church Update - Week 3 (March 30 - April 5)Devotion - Monday, March 30 - The Fruit of Suffering
Devotion - Wednesday, April 1 - The Testing of Our FaithDevotion - Friday April 3 - Perfect Peace Found Only in HimNorth Church Weekly Wrap Up - March 29th- April 4thNorth Church Update - Week 4 (April 6-12)Devotion - Monday, April 6 - We Love Jesus Because He Has Finished The WorkDevotion - Wednesday April 8 - We Love Jesus Because He Gives Us New LifeDevotion - Friday April 10 - We Love Jesus Because He Sends Us The Holy SpiritNorth Church Weekly Wrap Up - April 5th - April 11thThe Resurrected Jesus Meets Mary MagdaleneNorth Church Update - Week 5 (April 13-19)The Resurrected Jesus Meets His DisciplesTreasuring the Gospel During COVID-19The Resurrected Jesus Meets ThomasNorth Church Weekly Wrap Up - April 12th - April 18thNorth Church Update - Week 6 (April 20-26)Devotion - Monday April 20 - Fighting Worry and Uncertainty Part 1Devotion - Wednesday April 22 - Fighting Worry and Uncertainty Part 2Family Resource - Keeping Children Engaged During Home ChurchDevotion - Friday April 24 - Fighting Worry and Uncertainty Part 3North Church Weekly Wrap Up - April 19th - April 25thDevotion - Monday April 27 - Delighting In The People Of GodNorth Church Update - Week 7 (April 27-May 3)Devotion - Monday April 29 - The Common Grace Of Government
Devotion - Friday May 1 - Drawing Near To God In GriefNorth Church Weekly Wrap Up - April 26th - May 2ndNorth Church Update - Week 8 (May 4-May 10)Devotion - Monday May 4 - Aligning Our Heart’s with God’s WillDevotion - Wednesday May 6 - Obedience to AuthoritiesFamily Resource - New City CatechismDevotion - Friday May 8 - Who Is My Neighbor?North Church Weekly Wrap Up - May 3rd - May 9thDevotion – Monday May 11 – God’s Glory Manifested Highlights our Weak and Fallen NatureNorth Church Update - Week 9 (May 11 - 17)Devotion – Wednesday May 13 – God’s Glory Manifested Encourages Our ObedienceDevotion – Friday May 15 – God’s Glory Manifested Leads to WorshipNorth Church Weekly Wrap Up - May 10th - May 16thNorth Church Update - Week 10 (May 18-May 24)Devotion - Monday May 18 - Gather and HearIn-Person Service - Re-Gathering GuidelinesDevotion - Wednesday May 20 - Quick and SlowDevotion - Friday May 22 - Impossible and PossibleNorth Church Weekly Wrap Up - May 17th - May 23rdDevotion - Monday May 25 - Jesus Promises The HelperNorth Church Update - Week 11 (May 25-May 31)Devotion - Wednesday May 27 - Jesus Promises PowerDevotion - Friday May 29 - Jesus Promises God's PresenceNorth Church Weekly Wrap Up - May 24th - May 30th