Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
At City Youth, we want to help students develop a real relationship with Jesus Christ! All students from 6th-12th grade are invited to join us. During City Youth, students grow in community and knowledge of Jesus by spending time with one another and in the Word.
So come join us! We love to eat food, have fun, and get to know more about Jesus each week.
Email our Student Ministries Director Kevin Wade at kevin@cityonahillabq.com with any questions.
So come join us! We love to eat food, have fun, and get to know more about Jesus each week.
Email our Student Ministries Director Kevin Wade at kevin@cityonahillabq.com with any questions.

City Youth Happenings
Our City Youth participated in City on a Hill's First Light-Phase 2 endeavor. Our youth went to the basement, worshipped and praised God through songs in the future space where City Youth will gather. The youth wrote scripture verses throughout the floor, stage, and walls of the downstairs. There, our youth prayed for God's will of City on a Hill and for the people who will be impacted by the downstairs renovation. Take a look below on this wonderful time.
We Believe, We Live, We Love

City Youth Monthly Events
Check the calendar below for events throughout the year.
For details, questions, or to be placed on our Student Event email list, email kevin@cityonahillabq.com