As we Treasure the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
we aim to make disciples of all nations.
Burgos, Spain
"We feel that God is calling us to plant a Christ Centered, Nationally Led, Church Planting Church in Burgos. God has guided us towards this vision a few different ways. This church plant is to be an expression of the vision and mission of North church which are “To see Jesus preeminent in everything” and “Growing together as disciples and going together to make disciples of neighbors and nations”. As God called us to the fulfillment of this vision in making disciples in Spain he also steered us to the missions agency Avant whose vision it is to “To make a difference in time for eternity by rapidly planting and developing churches where none exist.”. By prayer, consideration and conversations with pastors and leaders of these trusted organizations we have arrived at our vision." - Jacobo Hernandez
To read more on Burgos and the full vision statement for church planting in Burgos, click here
To read more on Burgos and the full vision statement for church planting in Burgos, click here
Spain Team

Hernandez Family
"We are excited to witness and take part in what God has planned for Burgos. We want to make our home in Burgos, investing in the language, the culture, and most importantly the people, so that we can tell them the good news of Jesus and show them his love. God called us to this work almost three years ago and it feels great to be in the homestretch of support raising. We are eager to get our family and our team to the field to begin fulfilling this calling." - Stepha and Jacobo Hernandez
How You Can Help
Home Team
How do we love and support our Burgos team while they are in a high pressure ministry environment 5,200 miles away We do that by finding ways to:
- Encourage them
- Love them
- Pray with them and for them
- Spend time with them while they are stateside and via Skype while they’re in Spain
- Contribute to their needs
- Celebrate with them
- Weep with them
The Home Team will focus on
Prayer - Asking God to continue His work in the Burgos team and through them throughout Spain
Communication - Staying Connected and up to date with the team and the progress of the ministry in Burgos and relay what’s going on to North.
Advocate - Bridge the gap between the Burgos Team and City On A Hill. Share what God is doing with our community and to connect others through awareness to the vision and mission for Spain.
If you are interested in joining the Home Team, or learning more, please fill out this form
- Encourage them
- Love them
- Pray with them and for them
- Spend time with them while they are stateside and via Skype while they’re in Spain
- Contribute to their needs
- Celebrate with them
- Weep with them
The Home Team will focus on
Prayer - Asking God to continue His work in the Burgos team and through them throughout Spain
Communication - Staying Connected and up to date with the team and the progress of the ministry in Burgos and relay what’s going on to North.
Advocate - Bridge the gap between the Burgos Team and City On A Hill. Share what God is doing with our community and to connect others through awareness to the vision and mission for Spain.
If you are interested in joining the Home Team, or learning more, please fill out this form
Going Team
"A group of City On A Hill Members committed to the long term mission of discipling and raising up Spanish leaders to plant a church in Burgos". If you feel led to join team leads Stepha and Jacobo Hernandez in Burgos, Spain, and are committed to the vision of long-term church planting, please fill out this form
If you would like to make a financial pledge to the mission in Burgos, please fill out this form.
If you would like to make a donation to the mission in Burgos, please follow these steps:
Go to
Enter the amount you would like to give
Enter the account name or number: "North Church Burgos" or 71872
If you would like to make a donation to the mission in Burgos, please follow these steps:
Go to
Enter the amount you would like to give
Enter the account name or number: "North Church Burgos" or 71872
Head to the Spain Team’s website to learn more and stay up to date on info.
To find out more about our missions partner, Avant, please click here
To find out more about our missions partner, Avant, please click here
Vision For Burgos
Why Burgos?
Burgos is located in the northern region of Spain called Castile. It is one of the largest regions in Spain. Castile has had three different capitals throughout its history, Leon, Valladolid and Burgos. Castile was well known in history of reconquering Iberia from the Moors. Their desire was to purge the land of the Moors and their beliefs and reestablish “Christianity” (Roman Catholicism). This region and the city of Burgos in particular became a hub for the Inquisition. The Inquisition was a government's sanction of institutions that would help force out any type of religious heresy. It helped create a fearful and destructive relationship between the government and religion. People practiced Catholicism with fear and little knowledge of the Bible. The Catholic church would not allow anyone to read a Bible on their own so to create a dependency for moral and spiritual direction solely on the Catholic church. These practices have taken root over years and have become a hurdle for ministry in this region. In the past Burgos has been known as the “Missionary Graveyard”. The Catholic era has begun to fade through time and through “religious freedom” a new generation has been born. This generation is fearful of anything looking like religion. The magnificent cathedrals and buildings have become reminders of religious oppression. Children are told to obey tradition and live morally but to live free of any obligation to God. Their picture of God is as a dictator and Jesus is still left on a cross. There is no pure concept of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection. Spaniards in Burgos and throughout Spain do not live with the hope found in Jesus. They live with a “carpe diem” attitude. We were told that Spaniards are masters of celebration. They know how to live and celebrate in the moment. But we know that this type of joy fades and leaves us empty. The happiness, hope and joy of a moment is passing . We were also told that Spaniards were friendly and engaging but at arm's length. Intimacy of a deep relationship is reserved only for family, if that. It takes time and commitment to develop a deep relationship. Through the years past we believe that God has been at work throughout Spain and the city of Burgos. And that willing workers have sowed seeds of the gospel.. Our prayer is for the harvest and to see the Spaniards in Burgos and throughout Spain awakened to the hope that is in Jesus.
Vision for Burgos
We feel that God is calling us to plant a Christ Centered, Nationally Led, Church Planting Church in Burgos. God has guided us towards this vision a few different ways. This church plant is to be an expression of the vision and mission of our sending church (North) which are “To see Jesus preeminent in everything” and “Growing together as disciples and going together to make disciples of neighbors and nations”. As God called us to the fulfillment of this vision in making disciples in Spain he also steered us to the missions agency Avant whose vision it is to “To make a difference in time for eternity by rapidly planting and developing churches where none exist.”. By prayer, consideration and conversations with pastors and leaders of these trusted organizations we have arrived at our vision. Let me go into some detail regarding the three foundational characteristics found in the vision.
Gospel Centered
The basic definition of this is that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the central truth that drives all of Christianity. As Christians we believe that Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God himself to the world and that all of scripture is pointing to Him. We also know from this that the Christian life and all Christian activities are to find their motivation, power and fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus. This means that not only is the Gospel the means of our salvation but it is the power by which we are conformed to the image of Christ in sanctification, it is our motivation for missions, it is the central foundation on which our community gatherings sit, it is the reason for our marriages and the principal by which we parent. Our hope is in Jesus and nothing or no one else. Unfortunately it is too easy and too common for people (including myself) to lose sight of this unless we are dogmatic and explicit in our pursuit of clinging to it. Thus it must be stated that the Gospel has to be the center of everything Christian.
Nationally Led
A core conviction of Avant that is rooted in biblical example is that a church is healthiest when it is led by locals. A church that is reliant on missionary leadership will have its growth stunted and be stuck in a stage of infancy. This does not mean that our team will haphazardly abandon a struggling church that is not ready but will rather be continuously praying and observing to understand when the nationals are ready to assume as much responsibility as possible. The phrase I have heard used to describe this strategy is “do only, what only you can do”. It will be our pursuit from the outset to be looking for, encouraging, and developing local leaders who will one day be the elders, deacons, and ministry leaders of this church.
Church Planting
At the core of what we are doing is the desire to see disciples of Jesus worshipping him throughout Spain. The disciple making engine that is seen throughout the New Testament is the local church. This drives our desire to plant a church in Burgos in fulfillment of the great commission and for this effort to be more than an end in and of itself but rather a means towards fulfilling the great commission the church will need to be multiplying, that is church planting. I am overjoyed when I think of the sending out church planters to cities and pueblos throughout Castile y Leon and beyond making Spanish disciples and reaching beyond to other areas of the globe that desperately need to hear of the good news of Jesus. To this end we are also seeking a partnership with another organization Acts 29 which is a global church planting network that has a growing presence in Europe.
Burgos is located in the northern region of Spain called Castile. It is one of the largest regions in Spain. Castile has had three different capitals throughout its history, Leon, Valladolid and Burgos. Castile was well known in history of reconquering Iberia from the Moors. Their desire was to purge the land of the Moors and their beliefs and reestablish “Christianity” (Roman Catholicism). This region and the city of Burgos in particular became a hub for the Inquisition. The Inquisition was a government's sanction of institutions that would help force out any type of religious heresy. It helped create a fearful and destructive relationship between the government and religion. People practiced Catholicism with fear and little knowledge of the Bible. The Catholic church would not allow anyone to read a Bible on their own so to create a dependency for moral and spiritual direction solely on the Catholic church. These practices have taken root over years and have become a hurdle for ministry in this region. In the past Burgos has been known as the “Missionary Graveyard”. The Catholic era has begun to fade through time and through “religious freedom” a new generation has been born. This generation is fearful of anything looking like religion. The magnificent cathedrals and buildings have become reminders of religious oppression. Children are told to obey tradition and live morally but to live free of any obligation to God. Their picture of God is as a dictator and Jesus is still left on a cross. There is no pure concept of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection. Spaniards in Burgos and throughout Spain do not live with the hope found in Jesus. They live with a “carpe diem” attitude. We were told that Spaniards are masters of celebration. They know how to live and celebrate in the moment. But we know that this type of joy fades and leaves us empty. The happiness, hope and joy of a moment is passing . We were also told that Spaniards were friendly and engaging but at arm's length. Intimacy of a deep relationship is reserved only for family, if that. It takes time and commitment to develop a deep relationship. Through the years past we believe that God has been at work throughout Spain and the city of Burgos. And that willing workers have sowed seeds of the gospel.. Our prayer is for the harvest and to see the Spaniards in Burgos and throughout Spain awakened to the hope that is in Jesus.
Vision for Burgos
We feel that God is calling us to plant a Christ Centered, Nationally Led, Church Planting Church in Burgos. God has guided us towards this vision a few different ways. This church plant is to be an expression of the vision and mission of our sending church (North) which are “To see Jesus preeminent in everything” and “Growing together as disciples and going together to make disciples of neighbors and nations”. As God called us to the fulfillment of this vision in making disciples in Spain he also steered us to the missions agency Avant whose vision it is to “To make a difference in time for eternity by rapidly planting and developing churches where none exist.”. By prayer, consideration and conversations with pastors and leaders of these trusted organizations we have arrived at our vision. Let me go into some detail regarding the three foundational characteristics found in the vision.
Gospel Centered
The basic definition of this is that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the central truth that drives all of Christianity. As Christians we believe that Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God himself to the world and that all of scripture is pointing to Him. We also know from this that the Christian life and all Christian activities are to find their motivation, power and fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus. This means that not only is the Gospel the means of our salvation but it is the power by which we are conformed to the image of Christ in sanctification, it is our motivation for missions, it is the central foundation on which our community gatherings sit, it is the reason for our marriages and the principal by which we parent. Our hope is in Jesus and nothing or no one else. Unfortunately it is too easy and too common for people (including myself) to lose sight of this unless we are dogmatic and explicit in our pursuit of clinging to it. Thus it must be stated that the Gospel has to be the center of everything Christian.
Nationally Led
A core conviction of Avant that is rooted in biblical example is that a church is healthiest when it is led by locals. A church that is reliant on missionary leadership will have its growth stunted and be stuck in a stage of infancy. This does not mean that our team will haphazardly abandon a struggling church that is not ready but will rather be continuously praying and observing to understand when the nationals are ready to assume as much responsibility as possible. The phrase I have heard used to describe this strategy is “do only, what only you can do”. It will be our pursuit from the outset to be looking for, encouraging, and developing local leaders who will one day be the elders, deacons, and ministry leaders of this church.
Church Planting
At the core of what we are doing is the desire to see disciples of Jesus worshipping him throughout Spain. The disciple making engine that is seen throughout the New Testament is the local church. This drives our desire to plant a church in Burgos in fulfillment of the great commission and for this effort to be more than an end in and of itself but rather a means towards fulfilling the great commission the church will need to be multiplying, that is church planting. I am overjoyed when I think of the sending out church planters to cities and pueblos throughout Castile y Leon and beyond making Spanish disciples and reaching beyond to other areas of the globe that desperately need to hear of the good news of Jesus. To this end we are also seeking a partnership with another organization Acts 29 which is a global church planting network that has a growing presence in Europe.