Family Resource - Keeping Children Engaged During Home Church

Hello North Church Families!!

As this quarantine goes on and we are having more and more Sundays at home, we have found it is getting harder to keep my kids engaged with the sermon.  Maybe you have given up having your kids participate in the church service on Sunday morning altogether because you are tired of fighting with them and asking them to listen, sit still, be quiet, etc.  Obviously, they have become accustomed to all the fun, songs and games that are played back in Niños.

Well….today we have a resource for you that will hopefully help you engage or re-engage your kids with the sermon.  Attached below you will find two different sheets (one for older and one for younger kids) that are meant for your kiddos to interact with during the sermon.  We recommend that you get out some crayons or colored pencils and read through the sheet with your child a few minutes before the service starts.
We hope it helps!!!

Pastor Jay & Jess Kennedy

Younger Kids -

Older Kids -






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