In the previous post, we considered three of four “whys” of generosity and giving to the local church. In this one, we’ll discuss the final “why” and give time for prayer and self-reflection.

Generosity is good for us

Was Scrooge McDuck a happy fellow?

     The question is deliberately facetious for an obvious reason: a cartoon character is a poor example, but he is also a caricature for the fruit of greed. Greed promises that if we have just a little more, we’ll be satisfied. This is a lie and is directly opposed to the very words of Jesus:
It is more blessed to give than to receive. (Acts 20:35, Matt 10:8)

     If we hold to a biblical worldview that when God speaks to us: instructing, encouraging or providing wisdom for us that it is for our good and flourishing, we will do well to heed him.
     Our giving and generosity are good for us. They lead us to joy and life forevermore. They imitate our Savior who gave for us, our God, who is by nature and example a generous Father, and the Spirit who pours out in abundance on the people of God in blessing.

     When we hoard our riches, we are led further and further inward. But when we treasure the gospel and look upward and outward with our riches, we begin to see that investing our wealth in God’s Kingdom through his church not only serves others, but leads to our own edification, joy, and good.

     Some of the poorest and wealthiest Christians I have known find joy in giving that is unparalleled. In all ways there is such joy they demand anonymity to simply see the Lord be glorified and made much of, which in turn brings greater joy.
Return on Investment
      I know some of you remain unconvinced: How can I trust the church will use my gift as I want? How can I believe my investment will benefit myself and my family? How can I be sure I’ll see the return I want?

    The simple answer is, you can’t. Our church desires to be transparent and clear on spending; we aren’t trying to hide anything. But the bigger picture is that your giving isn’t meant to be about you. It’s meant to be an expression of your love and worship of God who has given you a priceless gift in your salvation.
A Final Word
     Let me leave you with a simple exhortation from Scripture:
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver – 2 Cor 9:7

     Ultimately, you must decide. It is up to you. Give or don’t give. I care only as much as it reveals your relationship with Jesus. And you should care for that very reason, because it is a revealing factor in your relationship with him. Each of you are in a different situation and have different engagement with your finances, but If God is sovereign and good (and he is), you can trust him with your finances.

     Please bring your generosity and giving to Jesus in prayer and meditation and then give to our church as Jesus leads you to.

If you want to start giving to North Church and/or set up a recurring donation please click HERE.

In Christ,

Pastor Ryan

* I recuse myself from knowing what any person gives to the church and have done for the last five years of pastoral ministry.

** When discussing giving of individuals for the purpose of discipleship, I ask only two questions: Are they giving? Is it generous? I do this so I can better provide care for church members.

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